Course Syllabus



BMI Course Number and Title

Semester, Year

Welcome to the McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics sample course! This is the first page you see when you log into Canvas and go to your course. Going through this sample course will take 5-10 minutes of your time. 

A link to the course syllabus will be provided here. You will find course description, learning objectives, textbooks, grading information and course policies in the syllabus document. 


How to Navigate This Course (Video)

Please note that as an anonymous user, you may not be able to see some navigation links such as Discussions and People. But you will be able to navigate to most other pages in this course. 


Instructor and TA Information

Professor name
Office hours: 

Weekly Topic Schedule (optional)

Week 1 Topic 1
Week 2 Topic 2
Week 3 Topic 3
Week 4 Topic 4
Week 5 Topic 5


Course Summary:

Date Details Due