Quiz: Adverse Event Severity

  • Due No due date
  • Points 4
  • Questions 4
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


1. This is an open book quiz.
2. You will be shown your results, including your score and feedback for all questions.
3. You can take this quiz multiple times. Only your highest score will be taken into consideration.
4. There is no time limit for this quiz.

5. You may use the below AE severity category descriptions to help take the quiz:

E1: Temporary (reversible or transient) minimal/mild harm to the patient (healed or resolved with no permanent defect or disability)

E2: Temporary moderate to severe harm to the patient

F: Temporary harm to the patient and required transfer to emergency room and/or prolonged hospitalization

G1: Permanent minimal/mild patient harm (healed with permanent defect or disability, stable and stationary)

G2: Permanent moderate to severe patient harm

H: Intervention required to sustain life

I: Patient death