

Definition: The event is emitted anytime a content migration request is completed.

Trigger: Triggered anytime a content migration request is completed.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "context_id": "21070000000008972",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "event_name": "content_migration_completed",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T19:11:02.024Z",
    "job_id": "1020020528469291",
    "job_tag": "ContentMigration#import_content",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs"
  "body": {
    "content_migration_id": "21070000000000072",
    "context_id": "21070000000008972",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "context_uuid": "Uc69p8GCYLMYWQJqkyzQGqg1kNMXbmnRl8qdCJge",
    "import_quizzes_next": false,
    "lti_context_id": "694d2e30346f6a94ad20cea11ce78d19bd849c9c",
    "source_course_lti_id": "38ab9de0f0bc8e8e0889432275420de08f0d8380",
    "destination_course_lti_id": "694d2e30346f6a94ad20cea11ce78d19bd849c9c",
    "migration_type": "course_copy_importer",
    "domain": ""

Event Body Schema

Field Description
content_migration_id The Canvas id of the content migration.
context_id The Canvas id of the context associated with the content migration.
context_type The type of context associated with the content migration.
context_uuid The uuid of the context associated with the content migration.
import_quizzes_next Indicates whether the user requested that the quizzes in the content migration be created in Quizzes.Next (true) or in native Canvas (false).
lti_context_id The lti context id of the context associated with the content migration.
source_course_lti_id The lti context id of the the source course, if applicable.
destination_course_lti_id Alias for lti_context_id.
migration_type The migration type. Examples include: academic_benchmark_importer, angel_exporter, blackboard_exporter, canvas_cartridge_importer, common_cartridge_importer, course_copy_importer, d2l_exporter, master_course_import, moodle_converter, qti_converter, webct_scraper, zip_file_importer, context_external_tool_1234.
domain The default hostname for the Canvas root account.