

Definition: The event is emitted anytime a new enrollment is added to a course by an end user or API request.

Trigger: Triggered when a new course enrollment is created.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "client_ip": "",
    "context_account_id": "21070000000000079",
    "context_id": "21070000000000565",
    "context_sis_source_id": "2017.100.101.101-1",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "developer_key_id": "170000000056",
    "event_name": "enrollment_created",
    "event_time": "2018-10-09T21:07:33Z",
    "hostname": "oxana.instructure.com",
    "http_method": "POST",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "referrer": null,
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "time_zone": "America/New_York",
    "url": "https://oxana.instructure.com/api/v1/sections/4811/enrollments?enrollment[user_id]=20064&enrollment[type]=StudentEnrollment&enrollment[enrollment_state]=invited&enrollment[limit_privileges_to_course_section]=true&enrollment[notify]=true",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "user_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_login": "oxana@example.com",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45"
  "body": {
    "associated_user_id": "21070000000000562",
    "course_id": "21070000000000565",
    "course_section_id": "21070000000004811",
    "created_at": "2018-10-09T21:07:33Z",
    "enrollment_id": "21070000000046825",
    "limit_privileges_to_course_section": false,
    "type": "StudentEnrollment",
    "updated_at": "2018-10-09T21:07:33Z",
    "user_id": "21070000000020064",
    "user_name": "Isaac Newton",
    "workflow_state": "invited"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
associated_user_id The id of the user observed by an observer's enrollment. Omitted from non-observer enrollments.
course_id The Canvas id of the course for this enrollment.
course_section_id The id of the section of the course for the new enrollment.
created_at The time at which this enrollment was created.
enrollment_id The Canvas id of the new enrollment.
limit_privileges_to_course_section Whether students can only talk to students within their course section.
type The type of enrollment; e.g. StudentEnrollment, TeacherEnrollment, ObserverEnrollment, etc.
updated_at The time at which this enrollment was last modified in any way.
user_id The Canvas id of the user for this enrollment.
user_name The user's name.
workflow_state The state of the enrollment (active, completed, creation_pending, deleted, inactive, invited)


Definition: The event is emitted anytime a new enrollment record is added to a course.

Trigger: Triggered when a new course enrollment is created with a new workflow_state.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "client_ip": "",
    "context_account_id": "21070000000000079",
    "context_id": "21070000000000565",
    "context_sis_source_id": "2017.100.101.101-1",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "event_name": "enrollment_state_created",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T19:11:09.910Z",
    "hostname": "oxana.instructure.com",
    "http_method": "POST",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "referrer": "https://oxana.instructure.com/accounts/1?enrollment_term_id=83&search_term=hsw",
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "time_zone": "America/Chicago",
    "url": "https://oxana.instructure.com/courses/565/enroll_users",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "user_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_login": "oxana@example.com",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45"
  "body": {
    "access_is_current": true,
    "enrollment_id": "21070000000000143",
    "restricted_access": false,
    "state": "pending_invited",
    "state_is_current": true,
    "state_started_at": "2019-10-05 05:38:00 -0800",
    "state_valid_until": "2019-11-05T13:38:00.218Z"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
access_is_current If this enrollment_state access is upto date.
enrollment_id The Canvas id of the new enrollment.
restricted_access True if this enrollment_state is restricted.
state The state of the enrollment.
state_is_current If this enrollment_state is uptodate
state_started_at The time when this enrollment state starts.
state_valid_until The time at which this enrollment is no longer valid.


Definition: The event is emitted anytime an enrollment record workflow state changes.

Trigger: Triggered when a course enrollment workflow_state changes.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "event_name": "enrollment_state_updated",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T19:11:00.802Z",
    "job_id": "1020020528469291",
    "job_tag": "EnrollmentState.process_account_states_in_ranges",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs"
  "body": {
    "access_is_current": true,
    "enrollment_id": "21070000000001533",
    "restricted_access": false,
    "state": "pending_invited",
    "state_is_current": true,
    "state_started_at": "2018-11-05 05:38:00 -0800",
    "state_valid_until": "2019-11-05T13:38:00.218Z"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
access_is_current If this enrollment_state access is upto date.
enrollment_id The Canvas id of the new enrollment.
restricted_access True if this enrollment_state is restricted.
state The state of the enrollment.
state_is_current If this enrollment_state is uptodate
state_started_at The time when this enrollment state starts.
state_valid_until The time at which this enrollment is no longer valid.


Definition: The event is emitted anytime an enrollment record is updated by an end user or API request. Only changes to the fields included in the body of the event payload will emit the updated event.

Trigger: Triggered when a course enrollment is modified.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "event_name": "enrollment_updated",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T19:11:12.546Z",
    "job_id": "1020020528469291",
    "job_tag": "SIS::CSV::ImportRefactored#run_parallel_importer",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs.oxana.instructure.com",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs"
  "body": {
    "associated_user_id": "21070000000000562",
    "course_id": "21070000000000565",
    "course_section_id": "21070000000000598",
    "created_at": "2018-10-09T21:07:33Z",
    "enrollment_id": "21070000000046825",
    "limit_privileges_to_course_section": false,
    "type": "StudentEnrollment",
    "updated_at": "2018-10-09T21:07:33Z",
    "user_id": "21070000000020064",
    "user_name": "Isaac Netwon",
    "workflow_state": "invited"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
associated_user_id The id of the user observed by an observer's enrollment. Omitted from non-observer enrollments.
course_id The Canvas id of the course for this enrollment.
course_section_id The id of the section of the course for the new enrollment.
created_at The time at which this enrollment was created.
enrollment_id The Canvas id of the new enrollment.
limit_privileges_to_course_section Whether students can only talk to students within their course section.
type The type of enrollment; e.g. StudentEnrollment, TeacherEnrollment, ObserverEnrollment, etc.
updated_at The time at which this enrollment was last modified in any way.
user_id The Canvas id of the user for this enrollment.
user_name The user's name.
workflow_state The state of the enrollment (active, completed, creation_pending, deleted, inactive, invited)