PollSubmissions API

Manage submissions for polls

A PollSubmission object looks like:

  // The unique identifier for the poll submission.
  "id": 1023,
  // The unique identifier of the poll choice chosen for this submission.
  "poll_choice_id": 155,
  // the unique identifier of the user who submitted this poll submission.
  "user_id": 4555,
  // The date and time the poll submission was submitted.
  "created_at": "2013-11-07T13:16:18Z"

Get a single poll submission Polling::PollSubmissionsController#show

GET /api/v1/polls/:poll_id/poll_sessions/:poll_session_id/poll_submissions/:id

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/polls/:poll_id/poll_sessions/:poll_session_id/poll_submissions/:id

Returns the poll submission with the given id

Example Response:

  "poll_submissions": [PollSubmission]

Create a single poll submission Polling::PollSubmissionsController#create

POST /api/v1/polls/:poll_id/poll_sessions/:poll_session_id/poll_submissions

Scope: url:POST|/api/v1/polls/:poll_id/poll_sessions/:poll_session_id/poll_submissions

Create a new poll submission for this poll session

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
poll_submissions[][poll_choice_id] Required integer

The chosen poll choice for this submission.

Example Response:

  "poll_submissions": [PollSubmission]