

Definition: The event is emitted when all of the module requirements in a course are met.

Trigger: Triggered when all the module requirements of a course have been met. Also gets triggered when a module has a set completion time or when the completion time gets updated.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "client_ip": "",
    "context_account_id": "21070000000000079",
    "context_id": "21070000000000565",
    "context_role": "StudentEnrollment",
    "context_sis_source_id": "2017.100.101.101-1",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "developer_key_id": "170000000056",
    "event_name": "course_completed",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T19:11:26.615Z",
    "hostname": "",
    "http_method": "GET",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "referrer": null,
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "time_zone": "America/New_York",
    "url": "",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "user_id": "21070000000000123",
    "user_login": "",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45"
  "body": {
    "course": {
      "account_id": "79",
      "id": "565",
      "name": "Computer Science I",
      "sis_source_id": "2017.100.101.101-1"
    "progress": {
      "completed_at": "2019-11-05T13:38:00.218Z",
      "next_requirement_url": "",
      "requirement_completed_count": 6,
      "requirement_count": 6
    "user": {
      "email": "",
      "id": "123",
      "name": "Isaac Newton"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
course file.data_service_canvas_course.html
progress file.data_service_canvas_course.html
user file.data_service_canvas_course.html


Definition: The event is emitted anytime a new course is created by an end user or API request.

Trigger: Triggered when a new course is created (or copied).

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "client_ip": "",
    "developer_key_id": "170000000056",
    "event_name": "course_created",
    "event_time": "2019-11-05T13:38:00.218Z",
    "hostname": "",
    "http_method": "POST",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "referrer": null,
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "time_zone": "America/Denver",
    "url": "",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "user_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_login": "",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45"
  "body": {
    "account_id": "21070000000000438",
    "course_id": "21070000000000056",
    "created_at": "2019-11-05T13:38:00.218Z",
    "name": "Linear Algebra",
    "updated_at": "2019-11-05T13:38:00.218Z",
    "uuid": "a1b2c3c4z9x8a1s2q5w6p9o8i7u6y5t6a2s3d4f5",
    "workflow_state": "available"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
account_id The Account id of the updated course.
course_id The Canvas id of the updated course.
created_at The time at which this course was created.
name The name the updated course.
updated_at The time at which this course was last modified in any way.
uuid The unique id of the course.
workflow_state The state of the course (available, claimed, completed, created, deleted).


Definition: The event is emitted when a course module requirement is met.

Trigger: Triggered when a user makes progress in a course by completing a module requirement, unless the completed requirement is the last remaining requirement in the course (in this case, a course_completed event is emitted). The following setup should be enabled in Canvas in order for this event to get triggered:

  1. Module is set to be published
  2. Module has at least one requirement enabled
  3. Student completed at least one requirement in Module

Note that these events have a 2-minute debounce, meaning that a single course_progress event will be emitted per student per course 2 minutes after the student has finished completing requirements.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "event_name": "course_progress",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T19:11:13.590Z",
    "job_id": "1020020528469291",
    "job_tag": "ContextModuleProgression#evaluate!",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs"
  "body": {
    "course": {
      "account_id": "1",
      "id": "1234567",
      "name": "Diff Equations",
      "sis_source_id": "2017.102.102.102-2"
    "progress": {
      "completed_at": null,
      "next_requirement_url": "http:/",
      "requirement_completed_count": 101,
      "requirement_count": 123
    "user": {
      "email": "user@domain.tld",
      "id": "1122",
      "name": "Gottfried Leibniz"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
course file.data_service_canvas_course.html
progress file.data_service_canvas_course.html
user file.data_service_canvas_course.html


Definition: The event is emitted anytime a new course section is created by an end user or API request.

Trigger: Triggered when a new section is created in a course.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "client_ip": "",
    "context_account_id": "21070000000000079",
    "context_id": "21070000000000565",
    "context_sis_source_id": "2017.100.101.101-1",
    "context_type": "Course",
    "developer_key_id": "170000000056",
    "event_name": "course_section_created",
    "event_time": "2019-11-05T20:42:54.587Z",
    "hostname": "",
    "http_method": "POST",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "referrer": null,
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000011",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "time_zone": "America/New_York",
    "url": "",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000011",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "user_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_login": "",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45"
  "body": {
    "accepting_enrollments": true,
    "can_manually_enroll": null,
    "course_id": "565",
    "course_section_id": "1234567",
    "default_section": true,
    "end_at": "2020-06-17T04:00:00Z",
    "enrollment_term_id": "1234",
    "integration_id": "1234",
    "name": "Winter 2020 Linear Algebra",
    "nonxlist_course_id": "1234",
    "restrict_enrollments_to_section_dates": true,
    "root_account_id": "121",
    "sis_batch_id": "1234",
    "sis_source_id": "MATH-123-A12_12345",
    "start_at": "2020-01-03T05:00:00Z",
    "stuck_sis_fields": [
      " \"name\"]"
    "workflow_state": "active"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
accepting_enrollments True if this section is open for enrollment. False or null otherwise.
can_manually_enroll Deprecated, will always be null.
course_id The Canvas id of the course that this section belongs to.
course_section_id The local Canvas id of the created course section.
default_section True if this is the default section for the course. False or null otherwise.
end_at Section end date in ISO8601 format.
enrollment_term_id The Canvas id of the enrollment term.
integration_id The integration id of the section.
name The name of this section.
nonxlist_course_id The unique identifier of the original course of a cross-listed section.
restrict_enrollments_to_section_dates True when 'Users can only participate in the course between these dates' is checked.
root_account_id Canvas id of the root account that this section is in.
sis_batch_id The SIS Batch id of the section.
sis_source_id Correlated id for the record for this course in the SIS system (assuming SIS integration is configured).
start_at Section start date in ISO8601 format.
stuck_sis_fields Array of strings of field names with the SIS stickiness field set, indicating they will not be replaced by SIS imports.
workflow_state The workflow state of the section.


Definition: The event is emitted anytime a course section is updated by an end user or API request. Only changes to the fields included in the body of the event payload will emit the updated event.

Trigger: Triggered when a course section has been modified.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "client_ip": "",
    "context_account_id": "21070000000000079",
    "context_id": "21070000001234567",
    "context_sis_source_id": "MATH-123-A12_12345",
    "context_type": "CourseSection",
    "developer_key_id": "170000000056",
    "event_name": "course_section_updated",
    "event_time": "2019-11-01T19:11:15.599Z",
    "hostname": "",
    "http_method": "POST",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "referrer": null,
    "request_id": "1dd9dc6f-2fb0-4c19-a6c5-7ee1bf3ed295",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs",
    "session_id": "ef686f8ed684abf78cbfa1f6a58112b5",
    "time_zone": "America/Denver",
    "url": "",
    "user_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    "user_id": "21070000000000001",
    "user_login": "",
    "user_sis_id": "456-T45"
  "body": {
    "accepting_enrollments": true,
    "can_manually_enroll": null,
    "course_id": "1234560",
    "course_section_id": "1234567",
    "default_section": true,
    "end_at": "2020-06-17T04:00:00Z",
    "enrollment_term_id": "1234",
    "integration_id": "1234",
    "name": "Winter 2020 Linear Algebra",
    "nonxlist_course_id": "1234",
    "restrict_enrollments_to_section_dates": true,
    "root_account_id": "1",
    "sis_batch_id": "1234",
    "sis_source_id": "MATH-123-A12_12345",
    "start_at": "2020-01-03T05:00:00Z",
    "stuck_sis_fields": [
    "workflow_state": "active"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
accepting_enrollments True if this section is open for enrollment. False or null otherwise.
can_manually_enroll Deprecated, will always be null.
course_id The Canvas id of the course that this section belongs to.
course_section_id The local Canvas id of the created course section.
default_section True if this is the default section for the course.
end_at Section end date in ISO8601 format.
enrollment_term_id The Canvas id of the enrollment term.
integration_id The integration id of the section.
name The name of this section.
nonxlist_course_id The unique identifier of the original course of a cross-listed section.
restrict_enrollments_to_section_dates True when 'Users can only participate in the course between these dates' is checked.
root_account_id Canvas id of the root account that this section is in.
sis_batch_id The SIS Batch id of the section.
sis_source_id Correlated id for the record for this course in the SIS system (assuming SIS integration is configured).
start_at Section start date in ISO8601 format.
stuck_sis_fields Array of strings of field names with the SIS stickiness field set, indicating they will not be replaced by SIS imports.
workflow_state The workflow state of the section.


Definition: The event is emitted anytime a course is updated by an end user or API request. Only changes to the fields included in the body of the event payload will emit the updated event.

Trigger: Triggered when the course is renamed, deleted, or other properties (except for syllabus) of a course are modified.

Payload Example:

  "metadata": {
    "event_name": "course_updated",
    "event_time": "2019-11-05 07:38:00 -0800",
    "job_id": "1020020528469291",
    "job_tag": "SIS::CSV::ImportRefactored#run_parallel_importer",
    "producer": "canvas",
    "root_account_id": "21070000000000001",
    "root_account_lti_guid": "",
    "root_account_uuid": "VicYj3cu5BIFpoZhDVU4DZumnlBrWi1grgJEzADs"
  "body": {
    "account_id": "12340000000012",
    "course_id": "12340000000056",
    "created_at": "2019-11-05T13:38:00.218Z",
    "name": "Linear Algebra",
    "updated_at": "2019-11-05 07:38:00 -0800",
    "uuid": "a1b2c3c4z9x8a1s2q5w6p9o8i7u6y5t6a2s3d4f5",
    "workflow_state": "available"

Event Body Schema

Field Description
account_id The Account id of the updated course.
course_id The Canvas id of the updated course.
created_at The time at which this course was created.
name The name the updated course.
updated_at The time at which this course was last modified in any way.
uuid The unique id of the course.
workflow_state The state of the course (available, claimed, completed, created, deleted).