Enrollment Terms API

API for viewing enrollment terms. For all actions, the specified account must be a root account and the caller must have permission to manage the account (when called on non-root accounts, the errorwill be indicate the appropriate root account).

An EnrollmentTerm object looks like:

  // The unique identifier for the enrollment term.
  "id": 1,
  // The SIS id of the term. Only included if the user has permission to view SIS
  // information.
  "sis_term_id": "Sp2014",
  // the unique identifier for the SIS import. This field is only included if the
  // user has permission to manage SIS information.
  "sis_import_id": 34,
  // The name of the term.
  "name": "Spring 2014",
  // The datetime of the start of the term.
  "start_at": "2014-01-06T08:00:00-05:00",
  // The datetime of the end of the term.
  "end_at": "2014-05-16T05:00:00-04:00",
  // The state of the term. Can be 'active' or 'deleted'.
  "workflow_state": "active",
  // Term date overrides for specific enrollment types
  "overrides": {"StudentEnrollment":{"start_at":"2014-01-07T08:00:00-05:00","end_at":"2014-05-14T05:00:00-04:0"}},
  // The number of courses in the term (available via include)
  "course_count": 80

An EnrollmentTermsList object looks like:

  // a paginated list of all terms in the account
  "enrollment_terms": []

Create enrollment term TermsController#create

POST /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms

Scope: url:POST|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms

Create a new enrollment term for the specified account.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
enrollment_term[name] string

The name of the term.

enrollment_term[start_at] DateTime

The day/time the term starts. Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2015-01-10T18:48:00Z.

enrollment_term[end_at] DateTime

The day/time the term ends. Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2015-01-10T18:48:00Z.

enrollment_term[sis_term_id] string

The unique SIS identifier for the term.

enrollment_term[overrides][enrollment_type][start_at] DateTime

The day/time the term starts, overridden for the given enrollment type. enrollment_type can be one of StudentEnrollment, TeacherEnrollment, TaEnrollment, or DesignerEnrollment

enrollment_term[overrides][enrollment_type][end_at] DateTime

The day/time the term ends, overridden for the given enrollment type. enrollment_type can be one of StudentEnrollment, TeacherEnrollment, TaEnrollment, or DesignerEnrollment

Returns an EnrollmentTerm object

Update enrollment term TermsController#update

PUT /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms/:id

Scope: url:PUT|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms/:id

Update an existing enrollment term for the specified account.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
enrollment_term[name] string

The name of the term.

enrollment_term[start_at] DateTime

The day/time the term starts. Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2015-01-10T18:48:00Z.

enrollment_term[end_at] DateTime

The day/time the term ends. Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2015-01-10T18:48:00Z.

enrollment_term[sis_term_id] string

The unique SIS identifier for the term.

enrollment_term[overrides][enrollment_type][start_at] DateTime

The day/time the term starts, overridden for the given enrollment type. enrollment_type can be one of StudentEnrollment, TeacherEnrollment, TaEnrollment, or DesignerEnrollment

enrollment_term[overrides][enrollment_type][end_at] DateTime

The day/time the term ends, overridden for the given enrollment type. enrollment_type can be one of StudentEnrollment, TeacherEnrollment, TaEnrollment, or DesignerEnrollment

override_sis_stickiness boolean

Default is true. If false, any fields containing “sticky” changes will not be updated. See SIS CSV Format documentation for information on which fields can have SIS stickiness

Returns an EnrollmentTerm object

Delete enrollment term TermsController#destroy

DELETE /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms/:id

Scope: url:DELETE|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms/:id

Delete the specified enrollment term.

Returns an EnrollmentTerm object

List enrollment terms TermsApiController#index

GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms

An object with a paginated list of all of the terms in the account.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
workflow_state[] string

If set, only returns terms that are in the given state. Defaults to ‘active’.

Allowed values: active, deleted, all

include[] string

Array of additional information to include.


term start/end dates overridden for different enrollment types


the number of courses in each term

Allowed values: overrides

term_name string

If set, only returns terms that match the given search keyword. Search keyword is matched against term name.

Example Request:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \

Example Response:

  "enrollment_terms": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Fall 20X6"
      "start_at": "2026-08-31T20:00:00Z",
      "end_at": "2026-12-20T20:00:00Z",
      "created_at": "2025-01-02T03:43:11Z",
      "workflow_state": "active",
      "grading_period_group_id": 1,
      "sis_term_id": null,
      "overrides": {
        "StudentEnrollment": {
          "start_at": "2026-09-03T20:00:00Z",
          "end_at": "2026-12-19T20:00:00Z"
        "TeacherEnrollment": {
          "start_at": null,
          "end_at": "2026-12-30T20:00:00Z"
Returns an EnrollmentTermsList object

Retrieve enrollment term TermsApiController#show

GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms/:id

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms/:id

Retrieves the details for an enrollment term in the account. Includes overrides by default.

Example Request:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
Returns an EnrollmentTerm object