Line Items API

Line Item API for IMS Assignment and Grade Services

A LineItem object looks like:

  // The fully qualified URL for showing, updating, and deleting the Line Item
  "id": "",
  // The maximum score of the Line Item
  "scoreMaximum": 50,
  // The label of the Line Item.
  "label": "50",
  // Tag used to qualify a line Item beyond its ids
  "tag": "50",
  // A Tool Provider specified id for the Line Item. Multiple line items can share
  // the same resourceId within a given context
  "resourceId": "50",
  // The resource link id the Line Item is attached to
  "resourceLinkId": "50",
  // The extension that defines the submission_type of the line_item. Only returns
  // if set through the line_item create endpoint.
  "": "{
  // The launch url of the Line Item. Only returned if `include=launch_url` query
  // parameter is passed, and only for Show and List actions.
  "": "https://my.tool.url/launch"

Create a Line Item Lti::Ims::LineItemsController#create

POST /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items

Scope: url:POST|/api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items

Create a new Line Item

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
scoreMaximum Required number

The maximum score for the line item. Scores created for the Line Item may exceed this value.

label Required string

The label for the Line Item. If no resourceLinkId is specified this value will also be used as the name of the placeholder assignment.

resourceId string

A Tool Provider specified id for the Line Item. Multiple line items may share the same resourceId within a given context.

tag string

A value used to qualify a line Item beyond its ids. Line Items may be queried by this value in the List endpoint. Multiple line items can share the same tag within a given context.

resourceLinkId string

The resource link id the Line Item should be attached to. This value should match the LTI id of the Canvas assignment associated with the tool.

startDateTime string

The ISO8601 date and time when the line item is made available. Corresponds to the assignment’s unlock_at date.

endDateTime string

The ISO8601 date and time when the line item stops receiving submissions. Corresponds to the assignment’s due_at date. object

(EXTENSION) - Optional block to set Assignment Submission Type when creating a new assignment is created.

type - ‘none’ or ‘external_tool’
external_tool_url - Submission URL only used when type: ‘external_tool’

Example Request:

  "scoreMaximum": 100.0,
  "label": "LineItemLabel1",
  "resourceId": 1,
  "tag": "MyTag",
  "resourceLinkId": "1",
  "startDateTime": "2022-01-31T22:23:11+0000",
  "endDateTime": "2022-02-07T22:23:11+0000",
  "": {
    "type": "external_tool",
    "external_tool_url": "https://my.launch.url"
Returns a LineItem object

Update a Line Item Lti::Ims::LineItemsController#update

PUT /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items/:id

Scope: url:PUT|/api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items/:id

Update new Line Item

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
scoreMaximum number

The maximum score for the line item. Scores created for the Line Item may exceed this value.

label string

The label for the Line Item. If no resourceLinkId is specified this value will also be used as the name of the placeholder assignment.

resourceId string

A Tool Provider specified id for the Line Item. Multiple line items may share the same resourceId within a given context.

tag string

A value used to qualify a line Item beyond its ids. Line Items may be queried by this value in the List endpoint. Multiple line items can share the same tag within a given context.

startDateTime string

The ISO8601 date and time when the line item is made available. Corresponds to the assignment’s unlock_at date.

endDateTime string

The ISO8601 date and time when the line item stops receiving submissions. Corresponds to the assignment’s due_at date.

Returns a LineItem object

Show a Line Item Lti::Ims::LineItemsController#show

GET /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items/:id

Scope: url:GET|/api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items/:id

Show existing Line Item

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
include[] string

Array of additional information to include.


includes the launch URL for this line item using the “” extension

Allowed values: launch_url

Returns a LineItem object

List line Items Lti::Ims::LineItemsController#index

GET /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items

Scope: url:GET|/api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items

List all Line Items for a course

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
tag string

If specified only Line Items with this tag will be included.

resource_id string

If specified only Line Items with this resource_id will be included.

resource_link_id string

If specified only Line Items attached to the specified resource_link_id will be included.

limit string

May be used to limit the number of Line Items returned in a page

include[] string

Array of additional information to include.


includes the launch URL for each line item using the “” extension

Allowed values: launch_url

Returns a LineItem object

Delete a Line Item Lti::Ims::LineItemsController#destroy

DELETE /api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items/:id

Scope: url:DELETE|/api/lti/courses/:course_id/line_items/:id

Delete an existing Line Item

Returns a LineItem object